Friday, July 5, 2013

I Guarantee It!

The words in the subject of this post are the most powerful words this entire post will contain.   If you go to a used car lot, and the salesperson tells you "This car will not break down for 50,000 miles - I guarantee it!", what would your reaction probably be?  My first guess is that you would ask about the nature of that guarantee.  You would probably get answers such as "As long as you bring it here for every oil change, or any time you notice anything wrong with the car.  If it is obvious you took this car anywhere else for repair, the guarantee is void."    That would likely be the most reasonable condition among a bunch that are completely unreasonable.

Of course, this is not a blog about used cars - it is a blog about Gastroparesis.  But there is a tie in - that is, if anyone tells you their product, service, etc. is guaranteed to make you feel better, you really should do one thing:  Run.   All they want is your money, and they don't care one bit about you or your condition - except for the fact that the longer you have it, the more money they can make selling you fake remedies.

This isn't to say that all products are necessarily useless.  You just have to be careful in making your choices. My wife encountered a Snake Oil Salesman in her quest to get better - it didn't have the happiest of endings. As I have said previously, I am more than willing to give details to anyone who asks for them - in this case, I may even write an entire blog post about this person, as my wife's faith in getting better was almost ruined by him.  

If a product or service is too good to be true, it is.  There is no cure for Gastroparesis.  There aren't many remedies.  Many of the products used to help with other stomach/digestive disorders have absolutely no impact on a Gastroparesis sufferer.   A few things may help with a few of the systems - ie, ginger can be great for controlling nausea.   But it isn't a cure for the CONDITION - it just helps relieve one of the SYMPTOMS.

So, if you see a product online for $49.99 that is "proven to help or even cure people with Gastroparesis", don't buy it.  Or at least research it.  But be careful - some of these people are very tricky and will put fake reviews up online.     There are many reputable people who fight and study this disease - go to them.  Go to a doctor who at least understands the condition.  Seek out REAL websites that deal with the condition - trust me, if a product for Gastroparesis is found online, it has been discussed in legitimate forums and facebook groups dedicated to the disease.

If someone offers you a program that he/she says will cure your condition, don't believe it.  It won't.   Some of the tips given may be useful, but they are not cures..and they are tips you can find in a $20 book dedicated to digestive disorders.

Finding someone who can legitimately help you is hard - but is doable.  Finding people looking to steal your money by praying on the sick is not very hard.  It is actually way too easy.

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